
HTTP client

HTTP client extensions and JSON HTTP client.

In Trivial.Net namespace of Trivial.dll library.

HTTP client extensions

Now you can write to a specific file or serialize as a specific type directly from a System.Net.Http.HttpContent by following extension method now.

JSON HTTP client

Lots of web response body is based on JSON format so we provide an easy way to deserialize them. You can initialize an instance of JsonHttpClient class with a type of response model. Following is an example.

// Suppose you have a class NameAndDescription with properties Name and Description.
const url = "";
var webClient = new JsonHttpClient<NameAndDescription>();
var packageInfo = await webClient.SendAsync(HttpMethod.Get, url);

// packageInfo.Name == "datasense"

And you can also deserialize following types for JSON values accessing directly.

// Suppose you have a class NameAndDescription with properties Name and Description.
var webClient2 = new JsonHttpClient<JObject>();
var json = await webClient2.SendAsync(HttpMethod.Get, url);

// packageInfo["Name"] == "datasense"