

You can set an action with a specific interceptor to control its execution.

In Trivial.Tasks namespace of Trivial.dll library.


You may request to call a specific action several times in a short time but only the last one should be processed and previous ones should be ignored. A sample scenario is real-time search.

var action = Interceptor.Debounce(() => {
    // Do something...
}, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));

// Somewhere to invoke.


You may want to request to call an action only once in a short time even if you request to call several times. The rest will be ignored.

var action = Interceptor.Throttle(() => {
    // Do something...
}, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(10000));

// Somewhere to invoke.


You can define an action can be only processed only when request to call in the specific times range and others will be ignored. A sample scenario is double click.

var action = Interceptor.Times(() => {
    // Do something...
}, 2, 2, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));

// Somewhere to invoke.


A handler to process for the specific times and it will be reset after a while.

var action = Interceptor.Multiple(() => {
    // Do something...
}, 10, null, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200));

// Somewhere to invoke.

Full control & Concept

You can create a policy named InterceptorPolicy to determine when the invoking action can be executed. It contains following properties to set the condition to match.

Then initialize an instance of Interceptor or its generic class with the action and policy.

Interceptor Policy

In fact, the above preset interceptors are set with the properties of InterceptorPolicy.